History of Political Corruption:
Political Corruption is defined as the use of corrupt behavior that is used to maintain power. Political Corruption is usually present at the highest levels of the political system. It has been present in all different forms of government.

In order to create more profit for themselves, the availability of land was widely used. Other techniques include bribery and grafts given. With the use of these techniques, it has continued to lead to unethical practices. Merchants ignored tariffs that were put into place on their products and increased them to create more money. Maintaining corruption was a major part of the Federal Constitution of 1787 and has continued to lead to more issues today in society.
Examples of Political Corruption:
· Alberto Fujimori
-President of Peru, 1990-2000
-President of Peru, 1990-2000
o Embezzled approximately $600 million
· Jean-Claude Duvalier
-President of Haiti, 1971-86
-President of Haiti, 1971-86
o Embezzled approximately $300 to 800 million
· Slobodan Milosevic
-President of Serbia/Yugoslavia, 1989-2000
-President of Serbia/Yugoslavia, 1989-2000
o Embezzled approximately $1 billion
· Rod Blagojevich
-Illinois Governor, This occurred in 2008
o Tried to sell Barack Obama’s senate seat to the highest bidder
· Mohamed Suharto
-President of Indonesia, 1967-98
-President of Indonesia, 1967-98
o Embezzled approximately $15 to 35 billion
- Public corruption cases nationwide have soared by 51% since 2003
- More than 1,000 public officials and government employees have been jailed in the past five years
- 680 FBI agents are still working more than 2,500 other corruption cases
By Allison D, Becca J, Ally J